+91-777 804 8217
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Sales : +91-777 804 8217
: +91-98790 21744 : hr@tenderdetail.com
47737375 tender for re-construction and repair/maint of existing damaged boundary wall with fencing at bn hq lokra and provn of jcos club of hq 21 sect assam rifles at agartala
47737369 construction of ibb road and fence between bp no. 2270 to bp no. 2283 road length- 66.16 km and single row modular gencing 23.435 km in dhalai district of north tripura. sh- road and fence between bp no. 2276 to bp no. 2270 road length- 36.52 km and fence
47736358 tender for purchase of musical instruments, dresses, omaments & props elc
47736233 tender for printing of 500 nos kuki-mizo language essay book pumkhat for the directorate of kokborok other minorily languages
47736148 tender for procurement of snp utensils, equipments, furniture & sitting materials of awcs under the scheme namely saksham anganwadi & poshan-ii for fy 2024-25.
47735976 tender for intending land owners for survey of availability of suitable land for construction of cricket academy in the periphery of agartala.
47735844 tender for supply and installation of physiotherapy & orthopedic work-shop machineries, raw materials and aids & appliances etc. for ddrc, dhalai tripura, kulai, dhalai tripura
47735590 tender for providing, installation and commissioning of 16 nos. 2.0 tr split type air conditioning system in 2 nos. female wards at first floor of dhanantari building, abv_rcc, agartala
47735589 tender for providing, installation and commissioning of high wall split window cassette floor mounted split type air conditioning system as and when urgently required in different areas of agmc and gbp hospital for 01 year period
47735587 tender for development of infras facilities at nutanbazar market under amarpur agri subdiv sh construction of 2 storied market shed gf for i fish and meat shed ii vegetable shed iii rice paddy and pulses shed and ff for stall sh providing internal
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