The work related to the outdoor programme on “Bangla Moder Gorbo”, to be held at Paschim Medinipur - 1 Alluminium Hanger for 3 days 2 Construction of a tarpaulin shed hanger for Stage, audience area, stalls, exhibition, green room and office room having 13200 Sq.ft. area (165 ft. X 80 ft. X 28 ft. height at the center and 16 ft. height at the circumference) to be constructed with durable alluminium including transportation 3 IRON STAGE for 3 days: 4 Wooden platform on iron structure base for performing stage with iron legs (32x24x4h) 5 Wooden platform on iron structure base for LED with iron legs (20x4x5h) 6 Platform for outbox Speaker (4x4x3) with proper masking 7 Covered area for light, sound & other console 8 Meter Room for 3 days : 9 20x10x10tarpaulin shedded bamboo structure 10 GREEN ROOM for 3 days ; 11 40x10x10 Green room with octanum wall with platform andall necessary eminities with 2 components (Male and Female) 12 OFFICEROOM for 3 days : 13 20x10x10 octanum wall and platform 14 BACKDROP: 15 Thematicset 3D Backdrop of main Dias (440 sqft.) 16 FLOWER DECORATION for 3 days : 17 Floral decoration in front of the stage with original and artificial flowers 18 MUSKING for 3 days : 19 Cloth musking with bamboo structure 4500 sqft 20 Truss for 3 days : 21 18+18+18+36 Goalpost for Stage, 16+16+32 goalpost for light 22 12+ 8 T Truss for stage light (2 Nos) 23 16+ 8 T Truss for special illumination on outside venue (4 Nos) 24 SOUND for 3 days : 25 Stage Monitor 26 Outbox Speaker top and low 27 Amplifier 28 Microphone on stand 29 Cordless Microphone 30 Audio mixer (48 channel) 31 DVD player with USB and VGA port support 32 Power Board 33 Other Accessories like main cable, mixer port, inbox cable, transmeter, spliter, feedback cutter, microphone codefor sound system 34 Voltage stabilizer(10KW) 35 Sound Engineer 36 1 pair sound system for outside LED 37 LIGHT (STAGE & VENUE) Stage Light for 3 days: 38 LED Par For stage 39 LED Face Par 40 Surphy 16 R with digital gobo 41 Light Engineer 42 Haze machine 43 Venue Light for 3 days : 44 400 watt LED metal for Venue and outside 45 Rice chain for outside venue 46 Stand Fan with safty net for 3 days : 47 For Green Room, VIP room 48 For stage, audience, stalls 49 Power Board 50 POWER for 3 days 51 65 KVA for Stage sound + 1 back up(Fuel cost will be provided separately on the basis of actual consumption including one skilled manpower charge as per Labour Departments Order) 52 125 KVA for stage light(Fuel cost will be provided separately on the basis of actual consumption including one skilled manpower charge as per Labour Departments Order) 53 WBSEDCL charges (As actual) 54 BRANDING City Branding: (with transportation, Labour & fixing) 55 wooden hoarding with flex printing (10x5) 56 3D Cut-out 4x12 57 BRANDING Venue Branding: (with labour & fixing) 58 Standee (iron structure with flex printing) 4x8 59 Wooden hoarding (with flex printing ) 8x6 60 Walkway Pillar (with flex printing) 10x4x4 61 Venue gate (iron/wooden structure with flex branding) 62 Programme schedule (wooden structure with flex printing) 10x5 63 Facia and Flex muskingfor all stalls, Green Room, Office Room and exhibition area 64 3D Stage Skirting with flex 32x24x24x4 65 LED raiser flex musking 24x4x4 (152 sqft) 66 Flag on rope 67 Printing & Others: 68 Batch 6x4 with printed ribbon 69 Car Sticker 7x5 70 Directional Signage flex with wooden framing: VOS (2x1.5) 71 Signage for Sitting area (4 colour print) 72 CAMERA, LED, PLASMA & CONNECTIVITY for 3 days : 73 Still camera HD with camera man 74 Video camera HD with camera man and attendent 75 Still Documentation DVD with editing 76 Video DocumentationDVD with editing 77 P3 LED for Projection 78 Laptop with connectivity 79 DOP & team for 1 days for entire light scheming 80 Cabling & Technician 81 MISC. for 3 days : 82 Notation stand 83 Decorative podium 84 Mirror for green room 85 Walky-Talky 86 Fire Extinguisher with proper filling 87 Bio toilet with light and sufficient water supply and including transportation & cleaner 88 MANPOWER including transportation, lodging & fooding: 89 Supervisor for 5 days 90 Incharge for 5 days 91 Event Boys for 3 days 92 Security for 5days (2 shift x 4 heads x 5 days) 93 ARTIST & Musician Hospitality, Transportation, Accomodation & Food for 3 days: 94 Transportation / movement of Artiste, Guests by AC Car/ Train (2Ac) facilities from Kolkata to the venue & return Luxury AC Vehicles to receive the guest/artists from their house to the railway stationof Kolkata & same from Station of the destination station to the programme confirmation of artistes maybe at last time. Tatkal booking may also be required on emergency. Total nos. of Artiste/ Guests may be change on urgent basis. All tickets has to be confirmed on urgent basis and name of the Artistes also may change at last minute of the programme including local transportation.Accommodation/ Nightstay & Food of all Artiste/Performer/Guests who will move from Kolkata in AC Suite/ similar category room 95 Transportation / movement of Musician by AC Car/ Train (3Ac) facilities from Kolkata to the venue & return AC Vehicles to receive the musician from their house to the railway station of Kolkata & same from Station of the destination station to the programme Confirmation of musician maybe at last time Tatkal booking may also be required on emergency. Total nos. of musician may be change on urgent basis. All tickets has to be confirmed on urgent basis and name of the musician also may change at last minute of the programme including local transportation.Accommodation/ Nightstay & Food of Musician who will move from Kolkata in ACcategory room 96 Attache for artist (for 6 artists 3 days) 97 STALL for 3 days : 98 10x10 octanum stall, platform, carpet on floor, 2 exhibition chair, 2 exhibition table, sufficient light, 2 nos 15 AMP power board 99 100x10 exhibition area with octanum, platform, carpet, top back side musking, front facia, leg, faciaside with thematic & special illumination 100 Thematic stall with asthetic design (size: 8x8), look & feel, installation, thematic illumination