
Foods and Drinks, Non Vegetarian Product, Non Vegetarian, Food and Beverages, Vegetables and Fruits, Agro Product, Grocery, Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply, Raigad-Maharashtra

Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya-JNV has published Foods and Drinks, Non Vegetarian Product, Non Vegetarian, Food and Beverages, Vegetables and Fruits, Agro Product, Grocery, Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply. Submission Date for this Tender is 27-05-2019. Non Vegetarian Tenders in Raigad Maharashtra. Bidders can get complete Tender details and download the document.

Tender Notice

Foods and Drinks, Non Vegetarian Product, Non Vegetarian, Food and Beverages, Vegetables and Fruits, Agro Product, Grocery, Chemical Oil and Gas, Chemical Industry, Chemical Supply
Open Tender

Tender Details

Supply Of Grocery Items The Year 2019-20- Bay Leaf - Katdare 5 K.G., Green Cardnmon 3 K.G., Asafoetida - Everest 2 K.G., Red Chilly Whole As Per Requirement, Whole Dhania As Per Requirement, Methi Dana As Per Requirement, Jayfal As Per Requirement, Amchur Powder As Per Requirement, Badisoap, Dessicated Coconut Powder % Discount On Mrp & Expiry Date 120 K.G., Dry Coconut 120 K.G., Custered Powder As Per Requirement, Coconut Big As Per Requirement, Kasuri Methi As Per Requirement, Kalonji As Per Requirement, Magaj As Per Requirement, Shahajira As Per Requirement, Cumin Agmark 50 K.G., Kashmiri Lal As Per Requirement, Red Chilly - Everest 350 K.G., Turmetic Powder - Everest 170 K.G., Coriander Powder - Everest 170 K.G., Garam Masala - Everest 50 K.G., Mutton Masala - Everest 50 K.G., Pav-Bhaji Masala - Everest 50 K.G., Sambhari Masala - Everest 50 K.G., Chole Masala - Everest 50 K.G., Chicken Masala - Everest 50 K.G., Vegitable Masala - Everest, Chat Masala - Everest 50 K.G. Panner Masala - Everest 50 K.G. Onion Garlic Masala 50 K.G. Cashewnut - Good Quality As Per Requirement Cashewnut Tukada 20 K.G. Cashewnut Kani 20 K.G. Raisin 20 K.G., Almond As Per Requirement, Charoli, Chiness Noodles Veg, Soya Saus- Kissan Brand , Tomato Saus- Kissan Brand, Chilli Saus- Kissan Brand, Tomato Saus Pouch- Kissan Brand, Vinigar, Soda, Mix Fruit Jam Kissan, Mix Fruit Jam Mala , Horlicks Plain, Horlicks Chocklate, Bournvita, Scrubber, Vim Bar, Pitambari, Wheel Washing Powder, Match Box- Home, Disposal Tea Cup- 40 Mll, Disposal Water Glass

Key Value

Document Fees
INR 100 /-
INR 30000.0 /-
Tender Value
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