Tenders Are Invited For Implementing A Photovoltaic System To Provide A Single-Phase Electrical Current With A Capacity Of 4.5 Kva

Tender Detail

Tenders Are Invited For Implementing A Photovoltaic System To Provide A Single-Phase Electrical Current With A Capacity Of 4.5 Kva
Arab World1,Middle East,Middle East and North Africa, MENA

Work Detail

Tenders are invited for Implementing a photovoltaic system to provide a single-phase electrical current with a capacity of 4.5 KVA, Implementing a photovoltaic system to provide a single-phase electrical current with a capacity of 10 KVA. The General Authority for Scientific Agricultural Research announces an internal request for offers. The General Authority for Scientific Agricultural Research announces its need to request internal offers to provide and install a solar energy system at the Jadarin Research Station for the benefit of the Hama Research Center, in accordance with the technical, financial and legal conditions books. Temporary insurance. Duration of implementation. Subject: SYP 40,000,000. In 60 days, Implementation of a photovoltaic system to feed a submersible pump with a capacity of 75 hp, alternating with a horizontal pump of 40 hp installed in a well for pumping water. Implementation of a photovoltaic system to provide a single-phase electric current with a capacity of 4.5 KVA. Implementation of a photovoltaic system to provide a single-phase electric current with a capacity of 10 KVA. Presentations are submitted to the General Office at the authoritys headquarters in Damascus - Hijaz Square for the date of 5/27/2024 at 2: Final deposits: 10% of the value of the referral. Duration of the bidders commitment to his offer: 90 days. Duration of the nominated contractors commitment to his offer: 90 days from his notification that the pledge has been assigned to him. The pledge file can be obtained from the Contracts Department in The Authoritys headquarters after paying an amount of 60,000 SYP at the Ministry of Finance - Central Treasury. [Disclaimer: The above text is machine translated. For accurate information kindly refer the original document.] Tender Link : elan.gov.sy

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