Tenders Are Invited For Performance Of Out-Of-Warranty Technical Service, Repair And Maintenance Services (Periodic Technical Inspections) Incl. Preparation For Passing The Annual Technical Inspection (Atp), .....

Tender Detail

Tenders Are Invited For Performance Of Out-Of-Warranty Technical Service, Repair And Maintenance Services (Periodic Technical Inspections) Incl. Preparation For Passing The Annual Technical Inspection (Atp), .....
Eastern Europe
Balkans,European Union,G20

Work Detail

Performance Of Out-Of-Warranty Technical Service, Repair And Maintenance Services (Periodic Technical Inspections) Incl. Preparation For Passing The Annual Technical Inspection (Atp), ...... Performance Of Out-Of-Warranty Maintenance, Repair And Maintenance Services (Periodic Technical Inspections) Incl. Preparation For Passing An Annual Technical Inspection (Atp), Including The Delivery Of Spare Parts, Accessories And Materials To The Manufacturer Of The Relevant Brands, Delivered By The Contractor For The Out-Of-Warranty Specialized Forestry Machines, Attached And Hinged Units To Them, Owned By The Cu Of The Sidp Dp Shumen For A Period Of One Year, Starting From The Date Of Conclusion Of The Contract

Key Value

Tender Value
80,000 - BGN


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Global Tender Document Tender Notice
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