Tender Result - Bids Are Invited For Superstructure Of Cook House And Dining Hall Chdh Of Size 13 Point 05 M X 6 Point 10 M X 4 Point 75 M As Per Ts For Damteng , Fabrication From Structural Steel Section For Staging Of Water Storage Tank Made Of Capacity 500 Oblique

Tender Detail

Indian Army
Bids Are Invited For Superstructure Of Cook House And Dining Hall Chdh Of Size 13 Point 05 M X 6 Point 10 M X 4 Point 75 M As Per Ts For Damteng , Fabrication From Structural Steel Section For Staging Of Water Storage Tank Made Of Capacity 500 Oblique
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Contract Award Details

Bidder List
Bids List
S.No Bid Number Bidder Name Submitted Date Status Remarks Status Updated On
1 111111 Dummy Name 13-Sep-2020 11:40 AM Dummy-Finance Dummy 17-Sep-2020 12:30 PM
2 111111 Dummy Name 14-Sep-2020 01:07 PM Dummy Dummy 31-May-2022 12:40 PM
Contract Date
Contract Value
Awarded List
Awarded Bids List
S.No Bid Number Bidder Name Awarded Currency Awarded Value
1 11111 Dummy Dummy 0
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